Family Cornhole Tournament

Enjoy a fun filled afternoon with the whole family! Come out and meet your fellow campers! This is a family cornhole tournament for all ages 8 yrs - 98 yrs, and all levels of skill. Beginners welcome! Please see event board at rec hall for more details!

Craft Social

Calling all crafters, this is just a social club to bring your own craft and enjoy company while you do it. Tea is provided! Artists, knitters, crocheters, sewing, scrapbooking, everyone welcome. This is not a kids club, participants need to be able to bring their own project and work unsupervised.

Annual Yard Sale & BBQ

This is our annual event where our seasonal campers can setup a table to sell their used items at the picnic area. There will also be a baked goods table, and a kids craft table. A BBQ will run from 11:30 - 1:00 with all proceeds going toward camp activities. Come as see what treasures...

Craft Social

Calling all crafters, this is just a social club to bring your own craft and enjoy company while you do it. Tea is provided! Artists, knitters, crocheters, sewing, scrapbooking, everyone welcome. This is not a kids club, participants need to be able to bring their own project and work unsupervised.

Friday Night @ the REC

Head on down to the Rec Hall to see what Family Fun activity is happening! You never know what Friday Nights @ the REC will bring!


This is non-competitive. Have some fun, and meet your fellow campers! Not sure how to play? We are happy to teach you! No partner? No problem! You will be partnered up with a new friend!

Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast

Dad's eat FREE for this pancake breakfast honoring all our camping dads! Family members can enjoy a pancake breakfast for $5 per person. This event is a private event for registered guests only.