
This is a non-competitive, for fun social activity. Come on out and meet your fellow campers! Not sure how to play? We will show you how! Darts are available for you to use, or you are welcome to bring your own!

Craft Social

Calling all crafters, this is just a social club to bring your own craft and enjoy company while you do it. Tea is provided! Artists, knitters, crocheters, sewing, scrapbooking, everyone welcome. This is not a kids club, participants need to be able to bring their own project and work unsupervised.

Family Cornhole Tournament

Enjoy a fun filled afternoon with the whole family! Come out and meet your fellow campers! This is a family cornhole tournament for all ages 8 yrs - 98 yrs, and all levels of skill. Beginners welcome! Please see event board at rec hall for more details!

Craft Social

Calling all crafters, this is just a social club to bring your own craft and enjoy company while you do it. Tea is provided! Artists, knitters, crocheters, sewing, scrapbooking, everyone welcome. This is not a kids club, participants need to be able to bring their own project and work unsupervised.

Annual Yard Sale & BBQ

This is our annual event where our seasonal campers can setup a table to sell their used items at the picnic area. There will also be a baked goods table, and a kids craft table. A BBQ will run from 11:30 - 1:00 with all proceeds going toward camp activities. Come as see what treasures...

Craft Social

Calling all crafters, this is just a social club to bring your own craft and enjoy company while you do it. Tea is provided! Artists, knitters, crocheters, sewing, scrapbooking, everyone welcome. This is not a kids club, participants need to be able to bring their own project and work unsupervised.

Friday Night @ the REC

Head on down to the Rec Hall to see what Family Fun activity is happening! You never know what Friday Nights @ the REC will bring!